Cheminement  Persos  Inventaire  Quêtes  Carte  Bestiaire  Skills  Gardiens et Arcana  Astuces


Nom Coordonnées Nbre de coffres
Caging Tower 9360 / 9070 14
Cradle of Metal God 14490 / 17500 -
Decaying Labyrinth 15350 / 9640 1
Demondor Pillar 18400 / 6380 2
Demondor Pillar Rear 24600 / 10490 8
Den of Miasma 11950 / 16940 5
Deus Ex Machina 6500 / 6000 -
Dim Root Path 8290 / 22720 10
Dissection Facility 17700 / 24120 11
Doomed to Obscurity 23970 / 16130 7
Dragon's Lair 17940 / 13130 8
Fallen Sanctuary 13000 / 8570 6
Faraway Lands 20940 / 10900 12
Fila del Fia 10470 / 18320 10
Fortune Gear 21740 / 9269 10 (+1)
Gemstone Cave (1) 21590 / 15210 7
Gemstone Cave (2) 21380 / 16340
Glimmering Emblem 25310 / 15460 8
Gob's Hideout 15680 / 24620 11
Infinitum 9440 / 10840 10
Iron Dragon's Nest 13580 / 6450 1
Ka Dingel 9650 / 4470 10
Leyline Observatory 22830 / 14290 9
Lunatic Garden 7780 / 6620 10
Mimir's Well 440 / 19520 9
Nidhogg Pass (1) 3270 / 21890 17

Nidhogg Pass (2) 5500 / 22640
Nidhogg Pass (3) 5190 / 18770
Ruins of Dreams 20070 / 16670 11
Ruins of Memory 18169 / 3790 9
Sacrificial Altar / Nightmare Castle 12890 / 12620 7 / 0
Sand Canal (1) 4200 / 10920 13
Sand Canal (2) 2290 / 12080
Serpent's Coil 13770 / 7800 12
Survey Point #17 10355 / 23471 -
The Abyss 25210 / 10200 -
The Unclean Mark 7280 / 9570 12
The World's Footsprint 9390 / 15510 8
Yggdrasil 4190 / 19040 16
So... this is it ... ?, Paine, FFX-2 Thèmes
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